ONE | ONE Earth Spirit Session + Ceremony

from $220.00

All sessions are held over Zoom and include:
- Clarity + Intention Guidance.
- 20 minute Initial Greeting + Clarity call.
- Your Plants + Tools package sent to you via mail.
- Ceremony + Session, 2.5 hrs.
- Your unique home practice + ritual invitations (usually includes extra plants to work with and are included in your package.)
- Your Invitations + Inspiration Booklet of channelings.
- End of month tune in + meditation + integration.

Mid-month 1:1 Shamanic Drum Journey: to deepen your practice and healing path for more guidance + clarity with your plant ally.
You can book this now, or later in your month if you decide you’d like to add it on.

- Custom Plant Medicine: made especially for you ( consists of a custom-made oil, flower essence, glycerine/tincture, and more.)

You Will Need to Provide:
- 2 Glass Jars with Lids.

After you book your session, you will receive an email with all you need to know for your Journey.

Please Read Before Booking:
There are no cancelations or refunds after booking.
This process can take up to 2 weeks from the date you book to the date of the actual session with the consultation, shipping + receiving your plants, and scheduling the date of ceremony.
Please be open and willing to work within the time frame.

Book My Session